Dear Friend,
Welcome to the December 2023 newsletter. |
Hello everyone,
Welcome to our December newsletter, the last one for 2023! It has certainly been an interesting year, one filled with many highs and lows. It is our hope that new year will start on a better note than sadly this year will end.
2023 did bring many things we can look back on with happiness. For MOTL, this has been a significant year. We had a highly successful March of the Living program in May with 55 members including, for the first time, 'influencers' who joined with the program to experience the power of the March of the Living.
Additionally, MOTL commenced the significant transformation and started the journey to professionalise the organisation with the hiring of the first paid CEO, gaining DGR status and a move to professionalise the organisation.
As we come to the end of 2023, it is important to take a moment and think of the good and positive events and experiences that have made up 2023. For me personally, my eldest daughter will be finishing her first year of school, an emotional and very proud moment for me as a father. I will always look back on 2023 with happy memories of this milestone for her and my family. We look forward to embarking on an exciting and successful year in 2024 and beyond. Chag Sameach from all of us at MOTL and from my family to you all! |
Chag Sameach & Happy Holidays
March of the Living Australia would like to wish you and your family and friends a Chanukah Sameach and Happy Holidays! With the current state of the world, conflict in Israel and the rise in Antisemitism, hate and prejudice, it is so important that we celebrate these special times. Chanukah tells the story of resistance and renewal and the miracle and power of light. This message is so important now more than ever. Enjoy the special time with your family and frineds, eat all the sufganiyot (donuts) and latkas! And, as we all need to from time to time, have a laugh and enjoy some nostalgia from Adam Sandler! |
In this edition (if viewing this on a desktop, click on each heading to skip to that section): |
Farewell and thanks to the March of the Living Australia Committee of Management
In November we said farewell and thank you to the Committee of Management members who have spent many years supporting and guiding MOTL. The outgoing Committee of Management, along with the new Board of Directors and MOTL staff spent an afternoon together. It was a fantastic opportunity to say thank you and to listen, learn and reminisce about the years of dedication and love given to MOTL. A very big thank you and Shkoyach to Shirley Atlas, Gavin Rubinstein, Alex Kats , Eva Zeleznikow and Cedric Geffen.
Welcome to the new Board of Directors
On November 22nd, MOTL held our first Annual General Meeting for the newly established March of the Living Ltd. At this meeting we officially welcomed the new Board of Directors who will be taking stewardship of the organisation into the future. This officially marks the new and exciting era for MOTL Ltd. We would officially like to welcome to the organisation, Adam Geha - Interim and Inaugural Chairperson, Kevin Smaller - Director and Cedric Geffen - Director, as well as a few new Board Advisors.
March of the Living program 2024
MOTL Programs for 2024 are now open for registration and application!
MOTL held its information session for the 2024 program this week.
If you were unable to join us, we are pleased to share the recording of the session (click here). As you will see, we covered a lot of ground and touched on many topics, ranging from the structure and overall impact of the program, the itinerary, and the process of application for a position in the Young Adult program. Registration s and applications are now open for the 2024 program. Of course, feel free to reach out to us directly should you have any further questions/queries on any aspects of the program. |
Chanukah by the Sea 2023 | In Solidarity with Israel | 10 December |
Join Chabad of Bondi for our Annual Chanukah Festival as We Celebrate Jewish Life by lighting up the Iconic Bondi Beach Featuring:
Giant Menorah Lighting | Free Donuts* | Delicious Kosher Food | Live Musical performances | Science Show | 9D Cinema | Kiddy Farm | Jumping Castles | Obstacle Course| Ultimate Giant Sports Games | Face Painting Faries | Chanukah Crafts | Grab-n-go Menorah Kits | and much much more!
Pillars of Light | 7 - 14 December |
Pillars of Light, in celebration of Chanukah, is providing Melbournians with an opportunity to come together over a multicultural celebration, focusing on what unites us as a city.
Each evening features a bespoke program highlighting the core precepts of connection and collaboration through guest speakers, dignitaries, artistic performers, cultural groups, sports people and more, who'll be invited to light the menorah, bringing together our varied communities through hope, positivity, love and light. |
Here is a selection of recent articles and videos from around the world, many of which we have shared across our social media over the past few weeks:
As always, we warmly invite you to follow us on social media by clicking
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