A major review of catch limits in some important fisheries has just been completed. LegaSea worked with our New Zealand Sport Fishing Council fisheries team and other representative organisations to complete submissions in response to the proposals. David Parker, the Minister of Oceans and Fisheries is due to announce his decisions in March. Standby for that news.
Elephant fish 7 encompasses the Marlborough Sounds, Golden and Tasman Bays, and the west coast of the South Island. We submitted in support of the status quo, no commercial catch increase, and application of a minimum size limit for commercial catches. https://www.nzsportfishing.co.nz/fisheries/species/elephant-fish/tac-review-elephant-fish-7-2020/
Yellow-eyed mullet 9 spans the northwest coast of the North Island. We submitted in support of the most conservative outcome, a 66% reduction to the commercial catch limit. https://www.nzsportfishing.co.nz/fisheries/species/yellow-eyed-mullet/yellow-eyed-mullet-tac-review-2021/
Flatfish 2 includes the east and west coasts of the lower North Island. Of the 3 options proposed by Fisheries NZ, we submitted in favour of the moderate option 2. We also recommended the Minister splits the large management area into smaller units with revised commercial catch limits. https://www.nzsportfishing.co.nz/fisheries/species/flatfish/flatfish-2-tac-review-2021/
Red rock lobster and packhorse crayfish nationwide. We recommended more conservative, lower commercial catch limits in the crayfish stocks from Northland to Canterbury. We also supported a modest increase in commercial limits for packhorse crayfish. We reiterated our call for the Minister to revoke the concessions that permit commercial fishers to take male crayfish smaller than the minimum recreational size limit for certain months of the year. https://www.nzsportfishing.co.nz/fisheries/species/crayfish/crayfish-tac-review-2021/