Leadership Pathway - Kairos Inside and Kairos Outside
This is a guide for developing a pathway for suitable people to become Observing Leader KI or Observing Leader 1 KO and then to become a Leader of a KI Short Course or KO Weekend.
Are you familiar with the Chinese proverb that states 'a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step'. The journey for leadership starts with the first step of a volunteer joining a Kairos team. It is the privilege and responsibility of the Regional Committee to catch the vision of how a new volunteer could eventually be equipped by God to become a future leader.
Below is a strategy that one Regional Committee has developed to intentionally have a clear pathway for a team member to walk the journey from first time on team to leader on a Short Course.
Step 1:
Committee or team members are asked to send names to the Chair of the Regional Committee, of potential leaders that they may have worked with on team who have showed some sort of leadership potential. They should give a summary of why they believe this person could be a potential leader
Step 2.
Chair to send the full list of names to the committee for prayers and any feedback (Any red flags about anyone on the list? This must be highly confidential)
Step 3.
At the next Regional Committee meeting, the Chair will provide any feedback sent to them from Committee members. Committee to vote as to which names will remain on the list of potential future leaders.
Step 4.
Chair to contact people on the list to check if they would consider being on the leadership track and look at their availability for the upcoming years.
Step 5.
A subcommittee is formed to include the Chair, Deputy Chair, Clergy, the past Leader and Observing Leader of the Short Course or KO Weekend.
The subcommittee's objective is to produce two things:
- A list of those who are eligible to be Observing Leaders
- Development plans for all people on the list from Step 4
In preparing these two things, the subcommittee will consider the following:
- What is their upcoming availability?
- Which criteria for leadership have they already achieved?
- What positions on team do they need to fulfil to make the requirement for ratification as Observing Leader or Observing Leader 1?
- Are they a good match to work with the leader?
- Are they a good match to work with the Chaplain of the Correctional Centre in the case of KI?
Step 6.
The list of names eligible to be Observing Leaders (including the reasons why they are eligible) and the development plans for all potential leaders will be shared with the Regional Committee before the next meeting.
At the next Regional Committee meeting, the committee would discuss and agree which people are eligible to be Observing Leaders (it would be ideal to have at least two names put forward for each Short Course or KO Weekend).
Of these two the Committee will vote as to the name that will go forward to be ratified as Observing Leader (KI) for the next short course or Observing Leader 1 (KO) Weekend.
Chair to send the ratification to State Council for approval.
Once their observing leader role on the Short Course or KO Weekend has been completed the committee to vote as to whether they are to be invited to be the next leader.
Regional Chair to send in the ratification form to State Council as leader.
Step 7.
The vice Chair or other nominated sub-committee member to keep a record of the meeting/s of the sub-committee.
Development needs (gaps in requirements) for those on the potential leader list to be discussed with leaders of the Short Courses or KO Weekends who are putting together new teams so, where possible, they can include those people on their teams in the positions they need for their development.
AT Least Once a year this process is repeated to ensure continued team members are trained for leadership.
Any member of the committee at any time can speak for or against anyone on the leadership track either to the whole committee, the subcommittee or the Chair.
One of the key priorities for this leadership track to work is to have a steady pool of new team members. This is a great challenge for many Regional Committees but is essential for healthy growth. Obviously, confidentiality is vital on the part of the Regional Committee.
For KO Regional Committees you will obviously need to be planning for the Observing Leader 2 as well.
If you are having trouble getting people with the right experience because you are not able to run enough Short Courses or Outside Weekends, then remember you can send them on another Regional Committee's team to gain that experience. Attendance at All team formations would also be a prerequisite if serving as a team member.