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I am writing to encourage Regional Committees to consider sending their leadership teams and Regional Committee Chairs and some of their Regional Committee members to the upcoming Advanced Kairos Training (AKT) courses which we have planned to be run later this month. I would also like to encourage State Council Chairs to attend an AKT for the ministry stream in which they are not currently active.
The AKT courses give an overview of our ministry as well as in depth analysis and training on the various elements of the programs we run. Many elements are unique to a particular ministry stream. Attendance at the AKT courses will equip Regional Committee Chairs and State Council Chairs with the knowledge they need to oversee the running of the programs.
Attendance at an AKT within two years of leading a program is a prerequisite for ratification by the State Council of a Leader and Observing Leader. Advising Leaders must attend an AKT if it is more than twelve months since they led a program or more than twenty-four months since they last attended an AKT. It is extremely important to keep up to date so that leaders can be we can be supported to ensure that the latest changes to program content are followed and that all the work health and safety and other cyber security guidelines are followed.
Leaders can be ratified at State Council immediately after they have attended an AKT. Once the ratification process has been completed the Leaders Regional Committee Chair is able to prepare and submit the Program Notification Form to Bruce Bond at the Kairos Support Office for actioning under our new streamlined process which incorporates the ordering of Ezra. All of this will be explained in depth in my next newsletter.
The upcoming AKT courses are:
Kairos Inside: 17 – 19 January and Kairos Outside: 31 January – 2 February
Details can be found on the Kairos website under Events or by clicking the buttons below.
We will not be running additional courses until June and July, so it is extremely important that all members of the leadership teams who need to attend an AKT register for the January courses if they wish to commence team formation before June or July. Further details of planned locations and times for the midyear training courses will be up on the events page on our website once they have been finalised.